Yesterday marked the 2nd anniversary of the Cooking for Cody blog!
Thank you so much for reading and following! I really hope this blog has helped others. It has definitely helped me. It has helped me find my food allergy voice.
You see, when Cody was first diagnosed I knew I was going to have to learn to talk about severe food allergies in a way I never had before. Even though I have lived my entire life with a life-threatening allergy to fish, I still was not very good at talking about it. And it's just different when you have a child entering school with multiple, severe food allergies.
I knew that I had work to do in order to effectively advocate for him and to teach him to advocate for himself with confidence, and to try to keep him from being overly fearful. I was going to have to find my food allergy voice in order to help him find his. This blog was my way to do that and to practice as much as possible before sending him off on his own to school.
Severe food allergies require a lot of discussion and advocacy because of the constant presence of food, the life-saving medicine that has to go everywhere with him and instructions for use of the medication, and also because there is often a lot of misunderstanding that surrounds serious food allergies as a real medical condition.
This blog has helped me gain confidence in talking about our food allergies and hopefully I'm passing that on to Cody because I feel it is crucial that he has confidence when talking about his allergies.
Again, thank you! You have helped us so much and I hope we have been able to pay it forward and help others!

Below are some of my favorite recipes from the last year. All are free of the top 8 allergens (peanut, tree-nut, egg, dairy, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish).

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